Monday, May 4, 2009

Abortion-Ultrasound Comment

After reading Politically Provoked's comments on the abortion-ultrasound bill, I would have to say that I agree with her on the subject that the opposition of the bill is not the risk to women's health, but more an opposition to the guilt trip that government is trying to place on these women for their decision.

I, myself, am pro-choice. I don't go around screaming that out at people but, if anyone asked me, I would admit to it. I believe that women should have the right to decide whether or not to bring a baby into this world. It could be for such reasons as the baby's quality of life will severely suffer due to poverty, improper living conditions, unhealthy/abusive environment, etc... Like Provoked, I think it wrong to attempt to guilt these women into rethinking their decision to abort the pregnancy. It is my opinion that most of these women have already considered the emotional and physical trauma they will be subjecting themselves to by making this decision. To pour more salt into the wound, so to speak, seems a little crass to me, much like a parent guilt tripping their child for not calling every week.

I can understand the concern for women's health when it comes to abortions. It's a brutal process and can take its toll on a woman's body and mind. But, like I said, I can't imagine there is any woman in this country that hasn't weighed all of her options before deciding to terminate her pregnancy. For the government to question her decision seems a little like meddling to me.

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